Différences entre versions de « MediaWiki:Common.js »

De Observatoire
Ligne 3 : Ligne 3 :
$( "mw-wiki-logo fallback" ).css( "border", "13px solid red" );
$( ".mw-wiki-logo.fallback" ).css( "border", "13px solid red" );

Version du 14 juin 2021 à 14:32

/* Tout JavaScript ici sera chargé avec chaque page accédée par n’importe quel utilisateur. */

	$( ".mw-wiki-logo.fallback" ).css( "border", "13px solid red" );

var nbOptions = 8;
var angleStart = -360;

// jquery rotate animation
function rotate(li,d) {
    $({d:angleStart}).animate({d:d}, {
        step: function(now) {
               .css({ transform: 'rotate('+now+'deg)' })
                  .css({ transform: 'rotate('+(-now)+'deg)' });
        }, duration: 0

// show / hide the options
function toggleOptions(s) {
    var li = $(s).find('li');
    var deg = $(s).hasClass('half') ? 180/(li.length-1) : 360/li.length;
    for(var i=0; i<li.length; i++) {
        var d = $(s).hasClass('half') ? (i*deg)-90 : i*deg;
        $(s).hasClass('open') ? rotate(li[i],d) : rotate(li[i],angleStart);

$('.selector button').click(function(e) {

setTimeout(function() { toggleOptions('.selector'); }, 100);//@ sourceURL=pen.js

  var _gaq = _gaq || [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-36251023-1']);
  _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'jqueryscript.net']);

  (function() {
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);

const center = { x: 325, y: 175 };
const serv_dist = 250;
const pointer_dist = 172;
const pointer_time = 2;
const icon_size = 42;
const circle_radius = 38;
const text_top_margin = 18;
const tspan_delta = 16;

//name is used as the title for the bubble
//icon is the id of the corresponding svg symbol
const services_data = [
{ name: "Industries", icon: "industries" },
{ name: "Validation\n(C&Q and CSV)", icon: "validation" },
{ name: "Engineering", icon: "engineering" },
{ name: "Project\nManagement", icon: "management" },
{ name: "Manufacturing\nIT", icon: "manufacturing" },
{ name: "Technical\nServices", icon: "technical" },
{ name: "Process\nAutomation", icon: "process" }];

const services = document.getElementById("service-collection");
const nav_container = document.getElementById("circle-nav-services");
const symbol_copy = document.getElementById("circle-nav-copy");
const use_copy = document.querySelector("use.nav-copy");

//Keeps code DRY avoiding namespace for element creation
function createSVGElement(el) {
  return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", el);

//Quick setup for multiple attributes
function setAttributes(el, options) {
  Object.keys(options).forEach(function (attr) {
    el.setAttribute(attr, options[attr]);

//Service bubbles are created dynamically
function addService(serv, index) {
  let group = createSVGElement("g");
  group.setAttribute("class", "service serv-" + index);

//  This group is needed to apply animations in
//    the icon and its background at the same time
  let icon_group = createSVGElement("g");
  icon_group.setAttribute("class", "icon-wrapper");

  let circle = createSVGElement("circle");
  setAttributes(circle, {
    r: circle_radius,
    cx: center.x,
    cy: center.y });

  let circle_shadow = circle.cloneNode();
  setAttributes(circle, {
    class: 'shadow' });


  let symbol = createSVGElement("use");
  setAttributes(symbol, {
    'x': center.x - icon_size / 2,
    'y': center.y - icon_size / 2,
    'width': icon_size,
    'height': icon_size });

  symbol.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink:href", "#" + serv.icon);


  let text = createSVGElement("text");
  setAttributes(text, {
    x: center.x,
    y: center.y + circle_radius + text_top_margin });

  let tspan = createSVGElement("tspan");
  if (serv.name.indexOf('\n') >= 0) {

    let tspan2 = tspan.cloneNode();
    let name = serv.name.split('\n');

    setAttributes(tspan2, {
      x: center.x,
      dy: tspan_delta });

  } else


  let service_bubble = jQuery(".serv-" + index);

  //Uses tween to look for right position
  TweenLite.set(service_bubble, {
    x: pivot_path.x,
    y: pivot_path.y,
    transformOrigin: "center center" });


//Creates pointer
function createPointer() {
  let service_pointer = createSVGElement("circle");

  setAttributes(service_pointer, {
    cx: center.x - pointer_dist,
    cy: center.y,
    r: 12,
    class: "pointer" });


  service_pointer = document.querySelector("svg .pointer");

  let pointer_circle = [
  { x: 0, y: 0 },
  { x: pointer_dist, y: pointer_dist },
  { x: pointer_dist * 2, y: 0 },
  { x: pointer_dist, y: -pointer_dist },
  { x: 0, y: 0 }];

  twn_pointer_path.to(service_pointer, pointer_time, {
    bezier: {
      values: pointer_circle,
      curviness: 1.5 },
    ease: Power0.easeNone,
    transformOrigin: "center center" });


//Defines behavior for service bubbles
function serviceClick(ev) {

  //There's always an active service

  let current = jQuery(ev.currentTarget);

  //There's a "serv-*" class for each bubble
  let current_class = current.attr("class").split(" ")[1];
  let class_index = current_class.split('-')[1];

  //Hides current text of the main bubble

  //Sets pointer to the right position
  twn_pointer_path.tweenTo(class_index * (pointer_time / (2 * 6)));

  //After it's completely hidden, the text changes and becomes visible
  setTimeout(() => {
    let viewBoxY = 300 * class_index;
    symbol_copy.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 " + viewBoxY + " 300 300");
  }, 250);

//Array describes points for a whole circle in order to get
//the right curve
let half_circle = [
{ x: -serv_dist, y: 0 },
{ x: 0, y: serv_dist },
{ x: serv_dist, y: 0 },
{ x: 0, y: -serv_dist },
{ x: -serv_dist, y: 0 }];

//A simple object is used in the tween to retrieve its values
var pivot_path = { x: half_circle[0].x, y: half_circle[0].y };

//The object is animated with a duration based on how many bubbles
//should be placed
var twn_pivot_path = TweenMax.to(pivot_path, 12, {
  bezier: {
    values: half_circle,
    curviness: 1.5 },

  ease: Linear.easeNone });

services_data.reduce((count, serv) => {
  addService(serv, count);
  return ++count;
}, 0);

//The variable is modified inside the function
//but its also used later to toggle its class
var twn_pointer_path = new TimelineMax({ paused: true });

//Adding it immediately triggers a bug for the transform
setTimeout(() => jQuery("#service-collection .serv-0").addClass("active"), 200);